Wat Banan Temple
From outside, the temple looks like be left fallow through many years but in fact, it is used to worship the Gods, the Buddha by native people. Following the path to the top of a mountain, Wat Banan Temple will appear in front of you with an amazing scenery surrounding.
Some people told that it have been not clear about who constructed this temple and when it was constructed. On the other hand, some believe that the time was around mid 11th century to the end of 12th century and went through two reigns of King Ut Tak Yea Tit Tya Varman II (1050 - 1066) and completed by King Jarvarman VII (1181 - 1219).
Wat Banan Temple
To get to the Wat Banan, you have to climb approximately 400 meters heighten mountain with around 300 stairs but the overview is worth for that. There are stunning 360 degree panoramic views from the top, visitors can see the immense Sang Ke River, thousand sugar palm trees below with rice fields and small villages. But the worthest is still the amazing old Wat Banan of Angkore-era, the whole temples are still keep its origin architecture but like the other ruins in Cambodia, they have been also struggled with extreme looting. There are five temple structres, like Angkor Wat with the middle being the largest. These majestic towers with the carvings of the now-headless apsaras on it are the best points in your journey. Otherwise, close to Wat Banan is the Prassat Banan vineyard, the only vineyard in Cambodia, bringing visitors an experience combined visiting the temple to outside activities such as dropping grapes and making vine.
Stairs in Wat Banan Temple
Located at about 45 minutes from the famous Phnom Sampeau, the temple is at Kon Tey 2 commune, Ba Nan district in 25 km far from the centre of town and go along the provincial Road No 155 parallel to Sang Ke River. Opening hours of the temple are from 7 am to 7 pm and you have to pay 2 USD for going up the hill.
Trip that visit Wat Banan Temple